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发布时间:2018-02-05 15:15:45

  、 操作技巧

  由于不同地方的水质不同,以及使用者的身体差异,而导致使用时能量参数需要调整。如当地水质较差或使用者自身的生物电阻较大,离子分解率E低于1 .0,,需加少许精华素,形成弱酸性水质,产生氢分子,工作中发生器寿命有限, 要定期更换。

  2.脚放于水中 , 两极反应较弱者

  三、 建议使用次数设计
  1、超过8岁以上的孩子均可使用,只要有大人的陪护与监督使用即可,但泡脚时间不宜太长, 15-20分钟左右
  2、60岁以下的人群每隔一天使用一次, 连续使用14次为一个循环, 第一个循环结束后休息1周再使用第二循环。
  3、超过60岁以上的人群每三天使用一次,连续使用14次为一个循环, 第一个循环结束后休息1周再使用第二循环。

  四、 为什么自由基不是在脚底周围而是在发生器周围?
  由于发生器的作用使水中电位由正变负, 形成电位场的核心, 故从脚底排出的自由基被发生器强的电位吸引到周围, 所以我们的自由基在发生器周围 。

  五、 使用怡元氢分子排毒仪之后有哪些好处?
  1 .增强细胞代谢功能,提高身体的自然代谢功能,,缓解器官的解毒负担, 抵抗亚健康。
  2,增强细胞的能量, 活化细胞, 促进新陈代谢和血液循环, 提升免疫力, 増强机体整体功能。

   First, the operating skills
  Due to the different water quality in different places, and the user's physical differences, resulting in the use of energy parameters need to be adjusted. If the local water quality is poor or the user's own bio-resistance is larger, the ion decomposition rate E is lower than 1.0, a little essence needs to be added to form a weak acid water quality to generate hydrogen molecules. The life span of the generator in work is limited and should be changed periodically .

  Second, taboo
  1. People with pacemakers or other electromagnetic devices on their body
  2. Feet in the water, bipolar reaction of the weaker
  3. Have a heart transplant surgery
  4. Pregnant people can not use
  5. Just finished surgery can not be used More than

  6.8 children can not be used
  7. Women can not be used during pregnancy and during feeding

  Third, it is recommended to use the number of design
  1, children over the age of 8 can be used, as long as adults can use the custody and supervision, but foot bath time not declared too long, about 15-20 minutes More than

  2,60 groups of people use once every other day, continuous use of 14 times as a cycle, the first cycle after the rest of a week and then use the second cycle.
  3, more than 6o years old crowd once every three days, continuous use of 14 times as a cycle, the first cycle after the rest of a week and then use the second cycle.

  Fourth, why the free radicals are not around the foot but around the generator?
  As the role of the generator so that the water potential from positive to negative, the formation of the potential field of the core, so discharged from the foot of the free radicals by the strong generator potential attraction around, so our free radicals in the generator around.

  Fifth, the use of Yue yuan oxygen molecule detoxification after what are the benefits?
  1. Enhance cell metabolism, improve the body's natural metabolic function, relieve organ burden of detoxification, resistance to sub-health.
  2, enhance cell energy, activate cells, promote metabolism and blood circulation, enhance cancer-free, enhance the overall function of the body.

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