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发布时间:2018-03-03 12:56:14

  关于“氢” 领域的研究虽然可以追溯到20世纪初,而且涉及氢领域的方方面面:氢健康、 氢医学、 氢能源、 生物能等科技领域,,甚至涉及到国防科技领域。 但是蓬勃发展、 并实际运用到应用领域还是近20年较为迅速 。 其中又以日本对氢领域的研究走在前沿,起到代表性作用。

  氢是自然界中含量最丰富的化学元素,为无色、 无嗅、 无味、具有一定还原性的双原子气体。人体元素中有63%是由氢构成,氢对人类生命根源有极深的影响。氢是生命、死亡及老化的关键,没有氢,地球上就不会有生命。氢是人体关键燃料及能量的来源,带负电的氢(氢离子)决定人体每一个细胞的整体健康状况。临床医学研究显示,氢气是细胞和器官重要的生理性调节因子,  具有选择性抗氧化,抗炎症和抗凋亡等作用 。

  氢健康医学领域主要指以利用氢的抗氧化特征、 小分子特征、 无害特征等。在人体接触或摄入氢分子 (氢离子) 后,有利于调节人体的新陈代谢,有利于调节人体平衡,提高人体健康素质的效果。目前涉及此类产品主要有:氢饮用水、氢足疗仪、 氢雾化设备、 以及氢气制造设备等等:对提高人体健康、 病理治疗、 改善人们生活条件起到重要的作用 。

  氢能源/生物能/氢材料及其他科技领域最主要利用氢的特征, 研究开发氢设备、 技术、 及文化,使之服务社会、 造福人民 。

  现在是一个科技井喷的时代,各种新技术、 新领域脱颖而出,因此在 “氢”研究和应用领域也日新月异。我们抓紧这个机遇,就能产生各种市场价值、 经济价值,服务于人们,造福人类。

  Although the research on "hydrogen" can be traced back to the early 20th century, it involves all aspects of the hydrogen field: hydrogen health, hydrogen medicine, hydrogen energy, bio-energy and other fields of science and technology, and even involves the fields of national defense science and technology. However, it has been booming and has been applied to the field of application for almost 20 years. Among them, Japan has also taken the lead in the research of hydrogen field and played a representative role.

  Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical element in nature and is a colorless, odorless, odorless, and somewhat reductive diatomic gas. 63% of the human element is made of hydrogen, hydrogen has a profound impact on the root causes of life. Hydrogen is the key to life, death and aging. Without hydrogen, there will be no life on earth. Hydrogen is the body's key source of fuel and energy, and negatively charged hydrogen (hydrogen ions) determine the overall health of every cell in the body. Clinical studies have shown that hydrogen is an important physiological regulator of cells and organs, with selective anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects.

  Oxygen health medicine mainly refers to the use of hydrogen oxidation, small molecule features, harmless features. In the human body in contact with or intake of hydrogen molecules (hydrogen ions), is conducive to regulating the body's metabolism, is conducive to regulating the body's balance and improve the health effects of human health. Currently involved in such products are: hydrogen drinking water, oxygen foot therapy device, hydrogen atomization equipment, and hydrogen manufacturing equipment, etc .; to improve human health, pathological treatment, improve people's living conditions play an important role.

  Hydrogen energy / bioenergy / hydrogen materials and other science and technology are the most important use of hydrogen characteristics, research and development of hydrogen equipment, technology, and culture, to serve the community for the benefit of the people.

  Now is an era of technology blowout, a variety of new technologies, new areas come to the fore, so in the "hydrogen" research and applications are also changing rapidly. We pay close attention to this opportunity, we can produce a variety of market value, economic value, service to people for the benefit of mankind.

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