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关于负电位 About negative potential

  现代人生活在无数公害的时代,所有环境逐渐脱离自然。人类食用的水和粮食以及接触外部的所有物质, 其中带电的物质正逐步消失。带正电的氧、二氧化碳、氢等物质却越发越活跃。

  负电位是高压电单极输出,形成的负电位场。作用于人体,可以让人体正电荷不规则运动进行重新排列。负电位可使血液中的钙、钠离子比例上升, 加速血液弱碱化进行, 血液成弱碱性可减少胆固醇等废物粘在血管壁上,对预防动脉硬化、中风、心脑血管疾病皆有很大的功效。电位是指带电荷的一种电,其中呈(+)的是正电位,呈(-)的是负电位。人体内同时存在正电位和负电位。正电多的人免疫力弱,易得慢性病,属酸性体质:负电位多的人细胞活跃、免疫力强, 属弱碱性体质。

  1、 正常细胞以细胞膜为界,细胞膜外为正电位,内为负电位。因负电位始终多于正电位产生的差,将细胞内生成的有害物质排除体外 (细胞膜通透性好) 。
  3、 病变部位的组织和器官,正电位自然升高影响气电流,导致体能低下,对人体产生不良影响。
  4、 气电力是指在体内细胞膜利用正电位和负电位,使每个细胞产生电,从而维持36.5度体温的力量。



  1 .促进新陈代谢,増强人体免疫力

  当体内负电位增加时,因细胞膜电性物质的交流让细胞活化,使各种营养素被细胞充分吸收,而细胞中老旧的废物可完全排出,增进新陈代谢,毒素被排出体外, 自然健康有活力。

  2.净化血液, 预防动脉硬化

  负电位可使血液中的钙、 钠离子比例上升,加速血液弱碱化进行,血液成弱碱性可减少胆固醇等废物粘在血管壁上,对预防动脉硬化、中风、心脑血管疾病皆有很大的功效。




  自律神经是控制人体所有内脏、 血管、 内分泌等不为我们本身意志所操控,是维持生命不可缺的基本机能,所以又称为生命神经,如此重要的神经机能会藉着吸收负电位而获得平衡(正负交感神经达到平衡状态) , 连带与自律神经有密切关系的内分泌线功能也会顺畅,对于现代人不断增加的自律神经失调症(例如失眠、头痛、神经痛、气喘、耳鸣、心神不宁、头昏脑胀、生理不顺等),皆有卓越的功效。


  负电位可促进肠胃蠕动,并使肠内酵素活性化,不但可防止肠内细菌异常滋生, 更可保持肠胃畅通,改善便秘、解决肠胃不适的困扰。



  7. 睡眠中恢复健康


  适用范围 :



  3、糖尿病、尿频、便秘、食欲不振等内分泌系统素乱、 肾病、前列腺

  4、、 妇科,及消化系统。



  7、  追求靓丽,欲瘦身美容的爱美人士。

  Modern life in countless public nuisance era, all the environment gradually out of touch with nature. Human consumption of water and food, as well as access to all external substances, of which the charged substance is gradually disappearing. Positive oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other substances are more and more active.

  Negative potential is high-voltage unipolar output, the formation of the negative potential field. Role in the human body, you can make the body move irregularly to rearrange the charge. Negative potential can increase the proportion of calcium and sodium ions in the blood to accelerate the blood alkalinization, the blood into a weak alkaline can reduce cholesterol and other waste stick to the vessel wall, to prevent atherosclerosis, stroke, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are Great effect. Potential is charged with a kind of electricity, which was (+) is a positive potential, (-) is negative potential. There are both positive and negative potentials in the human body. Positive power of many people with weak immunity, easy to get chronic disease, is acidic constitution; negative potential and more active human cells, strong immunity, is a weak alkaline constitution.

  Negative potential of the human body:
  1, normal cells to the cell membrane as the boundary, the cell membrane is positive potential, the negative potential. Due to the negative potential is always more than the positive potential difference, the cells generated by the exclusion of harmful substances in vitro (cell membrane permeability is good).
  2, Accumulation of abnormal positive cells in the cell structure, resulting in low cellular respiration, cell membrane positive potential higher than the negative potential, intracellular fatigue substances excluded in vitro, organism rhythm is broken, cell tissue loss of vitality.
  3, the lesion of the tissues and organs, the positive increase in the potential affect the gas current, resulting in low energy, adverse effects on the human body.
  4, gas and electricity refers to the use of positive and negative cell membrane potentials, so that each cell generates electricity, so as to maintain the strength of 36.5 degrees body temperature.

  5, if the body is lack of negative potential, can lead to autonomic dysfunction, menopause disorders and hypertension, arteriosclerosis, stroke, heart disease, neuralgia, decreased liver function, gastrointestinal problems, but also the appearance of freckles, fine sensitivity and other phenomena.
  6, the body's lack of negative potential lead to weakening of ciliary movement, breathing can not discharge harmful gases. It also affects the supply of whole body oxygen, causing anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, mood swings, loss of memory and endurance.

Negative potential of the seven functions

  1. To promote metabolism, enhance human immunity

  When the body negative potential increases, the cell membrane activation of the exchange of electrical substances so that a variety of nutrients are fully absorbed by the cells, and cells in the old waste can be completely discharged, increase metabolism, toxins are excreted, natural and healthy vitality .

  2. purify the blood, prevent atherosclerosis

  Negative potential can increase the proportion of calcium and sodium ions in the blood to accelerate the blood alkalinization, the blood into a weak alkaline can reduce cholesterol and other waste stick to the vessel wall, to prevent atherosclerosis, stroke, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are Great effect.

  3. To promote the activation of alkenols to reduce the burden on the liver

  Enzymes produced by the liver is an essential material to maintain life activity, and enzyme activity depends on the acidity and alkalinity of the blood, because the negative potential can purify the blood, thus contributing to enzyme activation, greatly reducing the burden on the liver.

  4. Adjust the autonomic nerve

  Autonomic nervous system is to control all internal organs, blood vessels, endocrine and other not controlled by our own will, is essential to maintain life's basic function, it is also known as the living nerve, so important nerve function by absorbing the negative potential balance (Positive and negative sympathetic to balance), associated with autonomic nervous closely related to endocrine function will be smooth, for the modern increasing autonomic disorders (such as insomnia, headache, neuralgia, asthma, tinnitus, Rather, dizzy, physical irregularities, etc.), all have excellent efficacy.

  5. To promote gastrointestinal motility

  Negative potential can promote gastrointestinal motility, and enteral enzyme activity, not only to prevent the abnormal growth of intestinal bacteria, but also to maintain smooth gastrointestinal, improve constipation, gastrointestinal discomfort to solve the problem.

  6. Anti-inflammatory pain, accelerate wound healing

  Negative potential energy For general traumatic wounds, blood flow or more than a variety of body pain, have anti-inflammatory, rehydration, inhibition of pain, accelerate wound healing, accelerate the bleeding speed and other effects.

  Recover healthy sleep

  Use of negative potential energy during sleep, there is no feeling of irritation, help the body to relax, relieve physical and mental, natural sleep good sleep, a feeling until dawn, unconsciously enhance physical fitness and restore health.

  Scope of application:

  1, hypertension, hypotension, hyperlipidemia, stroke sequelae, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

  2, rheumatoid arthritis, bone hyperplasia, osteoporosis, sciatica and other bone and joint and soft tissue diseases.

  3, diabetes, frequent urination, constipation, loss of appetite and other endocrine system chaos, kidney disease, prostate

  4, diseases, gynecological diseases and digestive diseases.

  5, autonomic imbalance caused by insomnia, forgetfulness, neurasthenia, the most headache, headache, fatigue and other diseases

  6, immune, immune sub-health population and the elderly population.

7, the pursuit of beauty, beauty who want to cut beauty beauty.

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